Hash Search

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Hash Search: In hash search algorithm, a hash table is created which stores data in a key value pair. A given key is the search item. Each data has a unique index (also called hash code) generated by hashing the key by a hash function.  


Collision:It is a situation where two distinct data has the same index. There are multiple collision resolution techniques in hashing such as chaining and open addressing. Here, we use linear probing open addressing technique to resolve a collison. If a collision occurs, we move sequentially in the hash table from collision location until an empty slot in the hash table is found.


●     Hashing


Consider an hash table of size 5 with the following hash function 

HashFunction(key) = key % size 

We insert data into the hash table as shown in the figure below.

Let us consider the search key as 18. We get the index of the key using the function HashFunction(18) = 18 % 5 = 3. We check and find that the key is present in index 3 of the hash table and the search is successful. 




1. Key & Value pairs


1.Perform insert, search, display operation on Hash Table


Step 1: Start


Step 2: Set size <= 5


Step 3: Define user defined datatype Data with int key &int value


Step 4:Defining hashFunction function

           inthashFunction(int key)

                       Return (key mod size)


Step 5:Defining insert function

           void insert(Data*hashTable[], int key, int value)

                       Set intidx <= Call hashFunction(key)

                       While (hashTable[idx] ≠ NULL) do

                                   Display “idx =” idx

                                   Set idx<=idx + 1

                                   Set idx <= idx mod size

                       End While

                       Set hashTable[idx] <= GetNode(Data)

                       Set hashTable[idx].key <= key

                       Set hashTable[idx].value <= value


Step 6: Defining search function

           void search(Data*hashTable[], int key)

                       Set int flag <= 0

                       Set intidx <= Call hashFunction(key)

                       While (hashTable[idx] ≠ NULL) do

                                   Check if (hashTable[idx].key = key)

                                               Set flag <= 1


                                   End If

                                   Set idx <= idx + 1

                                   Set idx <=idx mod size

                       End While

                       Check if (flag = 1)

                                   Display “Data Found”

                                   Display “Search Value:” hashTable[idx].value


                                   Display “Data Not Found”

                       End If


Step 7: Defining display function

           void display(Data* hashTable[])

                       Display “Hash Table:”

                       fori = 0 to i< size repeat

                                   Check if (hashTable[i] ≠ NULL)

                                               Display hashTable[i].key “à” hashTable[i].value


                                               Display “null”

                                   End If

                                   Set ißi + 1


Step 8: Defining main function

           Set int flag <= 1

           Set intch <= null

           Set int key <=null

           Set int value <= null

           Set Data* hashTable[size] <= null

           While (flag) do

                       Display “1. Insert data into hash table”

                       Display “2. Search data”

                       Display “3. Display hash table”

                       Display “4. Exit”

                       Read ch


                                   Case 1:

                                               Display “Enter key value pair”

                                               Read key

                                               Read value

                                               Call insert(hashTable, key, value)


                                   Case 2:

                                               Display “Enter key”

                                               Read key

                                               Call search(hashTable, key)


                                   Case 3:

                                               Call display(hashTable)


                                   Case 4:

                                               Set flag <= 0



                                               Display “Wrong Choice”

                       End Switch

           End While


Step 9: Stop




●     Insertion, delete and update operation in a hash table require O(1) time.

●     Linear probing collision resolution technique has been used.

●     As the number of collisions increases, the complexity of the algorithm increases.


●     In Internet search engines [link]

●     Implementing password in a multi-user system. Hashing allows faster retrieval of passwords [link]


●     Insertion, delete and update operation in a hash table require O(1) time complexity.

●     Searching an element requires O(1) time complexity.


●     The complexity of the algorithm increases with the increase in number of collisions.


 Time Complexity:

Assuming no collisions, the time complexity of the algorithm is O(1), In the insert() function a single memory reference for each insertion. The search() function also requires a single memory reference. However, as the number of collisions increases, the complexity of the algorithm increases.

Space Complexity:

         The algorithm requires a hash table as an extra space. Hence, the space complexity of the algorithm is O(n) where n is the size of the hash table.