Write a code to implement a stack using queue.

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Stack: A Stack is a Last In First Out data structure. Here we will implement a Stack using a single Queue, which is a First In First Out data structure. Queue data structure has standard operations like enqueue() [Inserting the element in the queue] and dequeue() [Remove the element from the queue]. Using these two operations we will implement the operations of a stack, which arePush()and Pop() .




1.     Elements of the stack


1.     1.   Result of push and pop operations.


Step 1: Start


Step 2: Define user defined datatype queue with integer pointer *arr, integer rear, front, count, max


Step 3: Defining queueCount function

           int queueCount(queue *q)

                       return q.count


Step 4: Defining queueCreate function

           queue* queueCreate(int n)

                       Set queue *q     null

                       Set q     GetNode(queue)

                       Check if(q = null)

                                   Display “Unable to create stack”

                                   Return null

                       End if

                       Set q.max     n

                       Set q.arr     GetNode(int * n)

                       Set q.rear      n – 1

                       Set q.front     n – 1

                       Return q


Step 5: Defining enqueue function

           void enqueue(queue *q, int v)

                       Check if(q.count = q.max)

                                   Display “Stack is full”


                       End if

                       Set q.rear     (q.rear + 1) mod q.max

                       Set q.arr[q.rear]     v

                       Set q.count     q.count + 1


Step 6: Defining dequeue function

           int dequeue(queue *q)

                       Set int val     null

                       Check if(q.count = 0)

                                   Display “Stack is Empty”

                                   Return 0

                       End if

                       Set q.front     (q.front + 1) mod q.max

                       Set val     q.arr[q.front]

                       Set q.count     q.count – 1

                       Return val


Step 7: Defining queueIsEmpty function

           int queueIsEmpty(queue *q)

                       Return (q.count = 0)


Step 8: Defining queueDisplay function

           void queueDisplay(queue *q)

                       Set int i     (q.front + 1) mod q.max

                       Set int n     Call queueCount(q)

                       While (n) do

                                   Display (q.arr[i])

                                   Check if(i = q.max – 1)

                                               Set i     0


                                               Set i     i + 1

                                   End if

                                   Set n     n – 1

                       End While


Step 9: Defining stackPush function

           void stackPush(queue *q, int v)

                       Call enqueue(q, v)


Step 10: Defining stackPop function

           int stackPop(queue *q)

                       Set int i     null

                       Set int n     Call queueCount(q)

                       Set int val     null

                       for i = 0 to i < (n – 1) repeat

                                   Set val     Call dequeue(q)

                                   Call enqueue(q, val)

                       Set val     Call dequeue(q)

                       Return val


Step 11: Defining main function

           Set queue *q     null

           Display “Enter the maximum size of the stack”

           Read n

           Set q     Call queueCreate(n)

           While(1) do

                       Display “Choose any of the options:”

                       Display “\n1. Push \n2. Pop \n3. Display \n4. Exit”

                       Display “\nOption: “

                       Read option


                                   Case 1:

                                               Display “Enter the value to Push”

                                               Read x

                                               Call stackPush(q, x)

                                               Display “The current values in the stack: “

                                               Call queueDisplay(q)


                                   Case 2:

                                               Set x     Call stackPop(q)

                                               Display “The current values in the stack: “

                                               Call queueDisplay(q)

                                               Check if(x = 0)

                                                           Display “Stack is Empty”


                                                           Display “Popped value” x

                                               End if


                                   Case 3:

                                               Display “The current values in the stack: “

                                               Call queueDisplay(q)


                                   Case 4:

                                               Display “Exiting”

                                               Return 0


                                               Display “Exiting”

                                               Return 0

                       End Switch

           End While

           Return 0


Step 12: Stop




a. Stack is used in Infix to Postfix or Infix to Prefix Conversion.

b. Its used for Postfix or Prefix Evaluation.

c. it is also used for Backtracking Procedure.



1. A single queue is used here to implement the stack, so no extra space is needed here.

2. Dynamic memory allocation is used here.


2. The time complexity for the pop opeartion is comparetively high,O(n) .

 Time complexity:

For the push() opeartion, we just need to do the enqueue()operation once, thus the time complexity for push operation is O(1).

But, for the pop() opeartion, we need to do the dequeue() opeartion n times and the enqueue() opeartion (n-1) times , thus the time complexity for pop operation is O(n).

 Space Complexity:

No extra space is required in this code, so space complexity O(1)