Finite State Machine (Transducer): Mealy and Moore


Definition of Mealy and Moore:


Finite State Machine (Transducer): Mealy and Moore

Finite State Machine (FSM) where after processing input it gives some output, corresponding to input is called transducer.


There are two types transducer:

1. Mealy and    2. Moore


Definition of FSM (Transducer)


M = (Q, ∑ , δ, , Г,Δ)


Q is a finite set of initial states

is a finite set of symbols called the input alphabet

q0 is the initial state

δ: Transition function

Г: set of output alphabet

Δ: output function

Sometime input alphabet ∑ and output alphabet Г may be same like ∑ = {0, 1} Г = {0, 1}

Or sometime it may differ like ∑ = {0, 1} Г = {a, b}


The only tuple by which we differentiate Moore and Mealy machine is Δ (output function):


  • In the Mealy machine, the Δ (output function) depends on the state (present) and input.
  • In the Moore machine, the Δ (output function) depends on the only state.


Example of Mealy machine:


∑ = {0, 1}


Transition Function Table: 



From the above machine and transition function table, we can see that Δ (output function) depends on the state (present) and input



What is the output of this machine's corresponding input string?

So, Input = 10110 and output is 01011100.


Example of Moore machine:


∑ = {0, 1}


From this machine and transition function it is clear that Δ (output function) depends on only state.

But there is only one problem at Moore machine as we got a 0 at q0 state initially without any input change. This 0 is extra output. We can ignore it or eliminate it by taking an extra state qλ at the initial state and give output λ like 



Now check what will be the output of this input string:

So, either we ignore it and write the output 011100 or change the Moore machine by taking an initial state like 


Because ω.λ = ω, 

What even δ function of q0 just make it same thing at 

 And make it initial state.


Table of previous Moore machine 1:



Table of previous Moore machine 2:



Note:  So, there is two option either you avoid the extra first output from initial state or add one extra state qd as the initial state.