Floyd Warshall Algorithm (Dynamic Programming)

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         All pair shortest path: Also known as Floyd-Warshall algorithm, it is a generalized shortest path problem where the objective is to find the shortest path between all pairs of vertices in a given graph.

         Dynamic Programming:Dynamic Programming is a method for solving a problem by breaking it down into subproblems which are overlapping and, optimally solving each of those subproblems exactly once while storing their solutions state (optimal substructure)

         Dynamic Programming approach to Floyd-Warshall: Given an n x n distance matrix Dof a GraphG , wij  is the distance between vertex i to vertex j written in ith row and jth column of D and n is the number of vertices. The dynamic programming formulation for Floyd Warshall,

dij(0) = wij

dij(k) = min(dij(k-1), dik(k-1) + dkj(k-1)) for k ≥ 1

where dij is the shortest path between vertex i to vertex j.




Consider the following Graph and its distance matrix D,


Step 1: From the Dynamic programming formulation we have D0 = D. We consider k  as the intermediate vertices in each iteration i.e. k ={1, 2, 3, 4}.In the first iteration, for k = 1, we create a matrixD1 where dij(1)represents the 

 values in the ith row and jth column ofD1 and dij(1)= min(dij(0), dik(0) + dkj(0)). We get the following matrix,


For example, d24(1) = min(d24(0), d21(0) + d14(0)). We have d24(0) = infinity, d21(0) = 8and  d14(0) = 7from D0. So, d24(1) = min(infinity, 15) = 15.


Notice that, in all the iteration, the kthrow and kth column remains the same as the previous iteration. And the diagonal values will always be 0 as there are no self-loops.


Step 2: For the next iteration, k = 2, and we continue with the same process to generate D2

Step 3:For the next iteration,k = 2, and we continue with the same process to generate D3

Step 4: For the next iteration, 

For the next iteration, k = 4, and we continue with the same process to generate D4which is the all pair shortest path matrix.





1.    An weighted graph


1.     Displays all pair shortest paths available in the given graph


Step 1: Start


Step 2: Set max     50


Step 3: Defining inputGraph function

               void inputGraph(int distance[][max], int shortestDistance[][max], int V)

                       Display "Enter the distance matrix of the graph: [99 for infinity]”

                       for i = 0 to i < V repeat

                                   for j = 0 to j < V repeat

                                               Check if(i == j)

                                                           Set distance[i][j]     0


                                                           Display "Enter distance from vetex (i+1) to vertex                                                    (j+1)"

                                                           Read distance[i][j]

                                               shortestDistance[i][j]     distance[i][j]

                                               Set j     j + 1

                                   Set i     i + 1


Step 4: Defining printMatrix function

           void printMatrix(int distance[][max], int V)

                       for i = 0 to i < V repeat

                                   for j = 0 to j < V repeat

                                               Check if(distance[i][j] == 99)

                                                           Display “i”


                                                           Display distance[i][j]

                                               Set j     j + 1

                                   Set i     i + 1


Step 5: Defining calculateShortestPath function

           void calculateShortestPath(int shortestDistance[][max], int V)

                       Set int interVertex     Null

                       for interVertex = 0 to interVertex < V repeat

                                   for i = 0 to i < V repeat

                                               for j = 0 to j < V repeat

                                                          Check if(shortestDistance[i][interVertex] +                                                                                shortestDistance[interVertex][j] <                                                                                  shortestDistance[i][j])

                                                                       Set shortestDistance[i][j]                                                                                                 shortestDistance[i][interVertex] +                                                                                             shortestDistance[interVertex][j]


                                                          Set j     j + 1

                                               Set i     i + 1


Step 6: Defining main function

           Set int distance[max][max]     Null

           Set int shortestDistance[max][max]     Null

           Display “Enter the number of vertices”

           Read V

           Call inputGraph(distance, shortestDistance, V)

           Display “Input Matrix: [i denotes infinity]”

           Call printMatrix(distance, V)

           Call calculateShortestPath(shortestDistance, V)

           Display "The shortest path matrix: [i denotes infinity]”

           Call printMatrix(shortestDistance, V)


Step 7: Stop



●     Optimal routing, where the object is to find the shortest path between different points or nodes.

●     Computing the similarity between graphs



●   Since the algorithm follows a dynamic programming paradigm, it speeds up the processing as we use previously stored calculations of the subproblems.

●   Floyd-Warshall algorithm performs well in dense graphs.


●     The time complexity of the algorithm is O(n3).





Time Complexity:

         Let n be the number of vertices. In the calculateShortestPath() function, the algorithms considers each vertex as the intermediate vertex and for each intermediate vertex, it considers each vertex as source and destination and iterates over them to find the shortest path which takes n2 time. For a total of n intermediate vertices the loop iterates n x n2 = n3 times. Hence, the time complexity of the algorithm is O(n3).


Space Complexity:

 The algorithm uses an extra n x n matrix to store the all pair shortest path where n is the number of vertices. Hence, the space complexity of the algorithm is O(n2).