Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm

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The Dijsktra’s algorithm is used for finding the shortest path from a source vertex to all the other vertices, in a weighted graph. It is a solution to the single-source shortest path problem. It was published in the year 1959 and named after its creator Dutch computer scientist Edsger Dijkstra.

Suppose a cab driver wants to go home after his last passenger drop in the shortest possible way. He knows that some roads are heavily congested and difficult to use. In Dijkstra’s algorithm, this means that the edge has a larger weight, so the algorithm will try to avoid such edges with larger weights. 


 Let us consider a graph G as shown in Fig 2, which has 4 vertices and 4 directed weighted edges. Let the source vertex be ‘0’.

The computation for finding the shortest distance of each vertex in the graph from its source vertex has been shown in the table below, at each iteration, we find the vertex with the shortest distance from the source vertex and then propagate the changes in the shortest distances for each vertex if a shorter path between the source vertex and selected vertex exists via the visited vertices.




Graph G and the source vertex s.



The shortest distance between each of the vertices in the graph from the source vertex(i.e. s) .




Step 1: Start.

Step 2: Defining the dijkstra(G,s) function

l  Repeat for every vertices v in graph G

(a) Set minHeap < v.

(b) Set dist[v]<=Infinity

l  Set dist[s]<=0.

l  Repeat while minHeap is not empty

(a) Set u<= Root of minHeap.

(b)  Remove u from minHeap and mark it visited.

(c)  Repeat for each p in neighbours of u

If (dist[p]>dist[u]+w[u,p]) then,

Set dist[p]<=dist[u]+weight[u,p].

l  Repeat for every v in graph G

(a)  Display dist[v].

Step 3: Stop. 



The Dijktra’s shortest path algorithm has various applications. Some of its most popular applications are

l To navigate from one location to another.

l It is used by routers to find the open shortest path first.

l It is also used by telephone service providers.


Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm using min heap has the following advantages.


(a) Once it has been performed, all the least weight paths are found.

(b) The algorithm has a complexity of O(ELogV), so it is efficient to use for relatively large problems.


Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm using min heap has the following disadvantages. -


(a) It fails to work for graphs with negative cycles.

(b) Heap data structure is very complicated to be efficiently implemented.

(c) It is not an all pair shortest path algorithm.




(a) Time Complexity:

In a Graph with V vertices and E edges, the time complexity to perform Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm is O(ELogV) because the inner loop is executed O(V+E)times and the inner loop has to remove node from the min heap which takes O(LogV) time. So overall time is O((E+V)*LogV)=O(ELogV).


(b) Space Complexity:

In a Graph with V vertices, the space complexity to perform Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm is O(V) to store the vertices and its corresponding distances.