Circular Prime numbers between a range

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Before seeing the program please follows the program check circular prime.

A number is said to be circular prime if the number itself is a prime number and all possible permutations of the number is prime. 


For example, if we consider a number 113, the number is a prime number, the permutations of this number are 131, 311, both of them are also prime. Therefore, the number 113 is a circular prime number.


INPUT: The ranges
OUTPUT: The circular prime numbers.
Step 1: [Taking the input] 
	Read p, q [the ranges]
Step 2: [Function to check whether a number ‘n’ is a prime number]
	Set c<-0
	[Counting the number of factors]
	For i=1 to n repeat
		If n mod i=0 then
			Set c<-c+1
		[End of ‘if’]
	[End of ‘for’ loop]
	[Checking for prime number]
	If c=2 then
		Return 1
		Return 0
	[End of ‘if’]
[End of the function]
Step 3: [Function to check whether a number is a circular prime number or not]
	Set c<- 0
Set tmp<-n 
	While tmp>0 repeat 
		Set c<-c+1 
		Set tmp<-tmp / 10 
	[End of ‘while’ loop]
	Set num <- n
	[while each permutation of the number is prime] 
	While prime(num)=1 repeat 
		Set r<- num mod 10 
		Set d <- num / 10 
		Set num <- (10c - 1) × r + d
		[After checking all the permutations if we get the original number back]
		If num = n then 
			Return 1
		[End of ‘if’]
	[End of ‘while’ loop]
	Return 0
[End of the function]
Step 4: [Calling the function to check for ‘circular prime’]
	For i=p to q repeat
		If circular(i)==1 then
			Print i
	[End of ‘for’ loop]
	[End of ‘if’]
Step 5: Stop.
