As per the language given,
So, to design a machine number of states will be required 3 + 1 = 4.
Note: n length string then the no. of the state is (n +1)
Regular Expression
Same way we can design,
Now machine of language containing strings having at least 2 lengths L = {aa, bb, aaa, bbb, ……}
Regular Expression
We can write as,
Regular Expression of Language containing at least n length string:
or, we can write as,
So, look carefully what is the complement of L = {ω | |ω| ≥ 3} at least 3 length string,
(L = {ω | |ω| ≥ 3})’ = (L = {ω | |ω| < 3}) or one can rewrite (L = {ω | |ω| ≤ 2})
Now (L = {ω | |ω| < 3}) or (L = { ω | |ω| ≤ 2 }) is at most 2 lengths strings.
So, it is clear that at most 2 length string is a complement of at least 3 length string.
Firstly, we design a machine M1 of at least 3 length string i.e. L = { ω | |ω| ≥ 3} ∑ = {a, b}.
M1: Machine “At least 3 lengths strings”
Now if we take a complement of machine M1 (at least 3 lengths strings) then we get a machine M2 which at most 2 lengths string.
M2: Machine “At most 2 lengths strings”
Strings accepted by the machine M2 like L = {λ, a, b, aa, bb……}. The string will be zero length, one length, and two length strings.
we can write as
How derive it as - see (λ + a + b) (λ + a + b) - from this we get all the combinations of strings accepted by machine M2. Like we can λ, a, b, aa, bb……
Regular Expression of at most n length string is