Counting semaphore: Example


Example 1: Counting Semaphore


Let capacity of critical section is 3 i.e. S.value = 3 (four process can enter Critical Section).



1. First P1 try to enter into its critical section, it initiated Wait() function and before it go to critical section, run line 1 (S.value = S.value - 1) , now S.value = 2. Then run line 2 (if (S.value < 0), not satisfied so, process go to critical section and continue.



2. Now P2 come, first run line 1 (S.value = S.value - 1), S.value = 1 and enter into critical section because line 2 (if (S.value < 0)) not satisfied.


3. Now P3 come, first run line 1 (S.value = S.value - 1), S.value = 0 and enter into critical section because line 2 (if(S.value < 0) not satisfied.


4. Now P4 come, first-run line 1 (S.value = S.value-1), S.value = -1 and then line 2 (if (S.value < 0) is satisfied. Not allowed the process to enter into critical section (critical section is full). Put the process P4 at the suspended queue list and sleep (block) the process P4. 


Suspended queue list


# In counting semaphore increment and decrement signified by wait and signal operation.


But it can be identified two more ways up and down or V and P.


Q. At a particular time, the value of a counting semaphore is 10, it will become 7 after

a. 3V 

b. 3P 

c. 5V & 2P 

d. 13p & 10V


Which one is correct: 

A. a, b 

B. b, c 

C. b, d

D. d




Counting semaphore = 10. After which operation it will be 7.


Case 1:


One thing is very clear that counting semaphore variable value reduce from 10 to 7 means it will be a 3P or Down operation

10 – 3 = 7 so, after 3P operation it will become 7.  Option B correct


Case 2:


If the counting semaphore variable reduces from 10 to 7 means it will be a V or Up operation  along with a P or Down operation or vice-versa but in such a way that it reduces by 3. 

It will be possible by only option D. (13P and 10V)

First 13P operation: 10 – 13 = -3, then 10V operation:  -3 + 10 = 7


So, Correct answer: C. b, d