Error Detection and Correction


Introduction to Error and Correction

Error: Sometimes we send some data, it is going to change at receiver side for some hardware problem and any other problem, and it is called an error.

It is also called a bit error.


It is handled by the error handling method. Generally two ways it can handle it.

1.  Error Detection

2.  Error Correction


Error Detection:

Error Detection means you know there is a bit error, but you don’t know where the error, which is called error detection.


Error Correction:

Error Correction means you know there is an error and you know where it is, then you correct it.


Now what is the property of code, then the code will be suitable for error detection and error correction.


Let us say we want to send



And receiver thinks that 0001 is the right information because if we are using BCD, then the original code (0000) and corrupted code (0001) both are in BCD, so both are valid, that is why the receiver thinks it is valid.


# If code changes (corrupted) by error from one valid pattern to another valid pattern then it is impossible to find the error.


For example:

Original Code: 0000 (BCD)

After error corrupted bit: 1100

Then receiver easily detects the error because 1100 (12) is not a valid pattern is BCD.


So, if valid pattern change in invalid pattern (by error) receiver easily understand there is an error.

Let we are discussing here Error Detection in 1 bit.