Basic Programs

In this site, we cover almost all basic programs in C, C++, JAVA, and Python along with algorithms and time and space complexity analysis. For other basic programs which is not covered in this site please mail us. We will upload it shortly as per your demand.


Enjoy the all Basic Programs:

1.  Largest Number between two numbers

2.  Largest number between two or three numbers

3.  Find Largest Number by Menu Driven

4.  Even and Odd numbers

5.  Swapping Two Values

6.  Swapping values without third variable

7.  Leap Year

8.  Basic Calculator

9.  Fahrenheit to Celsius

10.  ASCII value

11.  Average of Numbers

12.  Average of Even Numbers

13.  Average Of Odd Numbers

14.  Sum of n Numbers

15.  Sum of n Natural Numbers

16.  Factorial

17.  Factorial with Recursion

18.  Multiplication Table

19.  Exponential without function

20.  Number Reverse

21.  String Reverse

22.  Fibonacci series

23.  Fibonacci Series with recursion

24.  Prime Number

25.  Prime Numbers between 1 and 100

26.  Prime Numbers in a given range

27.  Twin Prime

28.  Twin Prime Range

29.  Prime factors of a number

30.  Prime Factors of range of Numbers

31.  LCM of N numbers

32.  GCD of N numbers

33.  Sum of the digits

34.  Palindrome Number

35.  Armstrong Number

36.  Binary to Decimal

37.  Binary to Octal

38.  Binary to HexaDecimal

39.  Decimal to Binary

40.  Decimal to Octal

41.  Decimal to Hexadecimal

42.  Hexadecimal to Binary

43.  Hexadecimal to Octal

44.  Hexadecimal to Decimal

45.  Octal to Binary

46.  Octal to Hexadecimal

47.  Octal to Decimal

48.  Sorting an Array

49.  Remove Duplicate Elements from an Array

50.  Left Rotate of an Array

51.  Right Rotate by 2 of an Array