The binary number is taken as input from the user. The decimal number can be calculated by adding the products of each digit and the power of 2 starting from 0 from the right to left.
For example, the binary number is 101101.
The decimal number will be:
= 32 + 0 + 8 + 4 + 0 + 1 = 45.
The value 45 will be printed.
INPUT: The binary number.
OUTPUT: The decimal number.
Step 1: [Taking the input]
Read n [the binary number]
Step 2: [Converting from binary to decimal]
Set d<-0
Set p<-0
[Converting from binary to decimal]
While n>0 repeat
[Calculating the power of 2 and multiplied with the binary digit]
Set d<-d+(n mod 10)×2p
[Increasing the power]
Set p<-p+1
Set n<-n/10
[End of ‘while’ loop]
[Printing the decimal number]
Print "The decimal number is d”
Step 3: Stop.
//calculating the power of 2 and multiplied
//with the binary digit
//increasing the power
The time complexity can be given as O(k) where ‘k’ is the number of digits of the binary numbers. The complexity can also be defined as O(log n) if n is the equivalent decimal number.
The space complexity is O(1) as the program requires a constant number of memory spaces to execute the program for any given input.