The factorial of a number is the product of the integer numbers from 1 to that number. If n is a number then the factorial of n=1×2×3×……×(n-2)×(n-1)×n. The factorial of n is also written as n!
The factorial of 0 is 1.
For example, 5! = 1×2×3×4×5 = 120.
INPUT: A number.
OUTPUT: Factorial of that number.
Step 1: [Taking the input]
Read n [the number to find the factorial]
Step 2: [Calculating the factorial]
Set f<-1
For i=1 ton repeat
Set f<-f×i
[End of ‘for’ loop]
Print "The factorial is: f”
Step 3: Stop.
The time complexity of finding factorial is O(n) where n is the given number because the product is calculated from 1 to n.
The space complexity is O(1) as it requires a constant number of memory spaces to execute the program for any given input.