Quicksort is a sorting algorithm based on the divide and conquer paradigm. In this algorithm the array is divided into two sub-lists, one sub-list will contain the smaller elements and another sub-list will contain the larger elements and then these sub-lists are sorted again using recursion.
For that these techniques are followed:
There are various ways to select a pivot element-
Quicksort recursion algorithm is divided into two-part: 1) PARTITION 2) Quicksort
{ x = A[r] // x is pivot
i = p – 1
for (j = p to r – 1)
{ if(A[j] <= x)
{ i = i + 1
exchange A[i] with A[j]
exchange A[i + 1] with A[r]
return i + 1
Quicksort(A, p, r)
{ if(p < r)
{ q = partition(A, p, r)
Quicksort(A, p, q – 1)
Quicksort(A, q + 1, r)
Illustrating this procedure by example:
Suppose there is an array of 7 elements. And the array of unsorted elements is:
low=0, high=6 now as per algorithm i= low -1 = 0 – 1 = -1 and pivot = x = 4
For we travers the array we continue loop j = low to high -1.
1) So, for first loop i = -1 and j = 0. Now A[j] > x i.e. 5 > 4 so, no swapping required between i and j.
2) Next (2nd) loop i = -1 and j = 1 below:
But here again A[j] > x i.e. 7 > 4 so, no swapping required between i and j.
3) Next (3rd) loop i = -1 and j = 2 (Incremented by 1) bellow:
Here A[j] > x i.e. 6 > 4 so, no swapping required between i and j.
4) Next (4th) loop i = -1 and j = 3 (Incremented by 1) bellow:
Here A[j] < x i.e. 1 < 4 so, we first increment i by 1 i.e. i = i + 1 = -1 + 1 = 0 and swap with j.
5) Next (4th) loop i = 0 and j = 4 (Incremented by 1) bellow:
Here A[j] < x i.e. 3 < 4 so, we first increment i by 1 i.e. i = i + 1 = 0 + 1 = 1 and swap with j.
6) Next (4th) loop i = 1 and j = 5 (Incremented by 1) bellow:
Here A[j] < x i.e. 2 < 4 so, we first increment i by 1 i.e. i = i + 1 = 1 + 1 = 2 and swap with j.
Now end of loop because j = 5 = high -1. So, increment i by 1 i.e. i = i + 1 = 2 +1 = 3 and swap with Pivot i.e. x.
Now the left-hand side of the pivot contains all smaller elements and the right-hand side of the pivot contains all larger elements.
Now, in the same way, we can repeat the left-sub list and the right-sub list.
Now the sorted elements are:
Recursion Tree (Evaluation of Quicksort):
Quicksort(A, p, r) _______________________T(n)
{ if (p < r)
{ q = partition(A, p, r) ________ O(n)
Quicksort(A, p, q – 1) ________T(n/2)
Quicksort(A, q + 1, r) _________T(n/2)
T(n) = 2T(n/2) + O(n) [in case of Equal size partition]
Now, if we solve it by master theorem or substitution method we will get
T(n) = θ(n log n).
[ For details please see masters theorem and substitution method to calculate time complexity of a recursive algorithm]
Here we solve it by master theorem:
Master Theorem:
T(n) = 2T(n/2) + O(n)
So, here a = 2 , b= 2, k=1 and p = 0.
And in this case one condition has satisfied that is:
a= bk i.e. 2 = 21
And also p > -1, then [for details please follow the master theorem]
T(n) = θ(n log n).
In the case of the Quicksort algorithm, the best or average case occurs when the median or close to the median is chosen as the pivot element in each iteration. As the median element is chosen as pivot the array will be divided into almost two equal halves.
The worst-case complexity occurs in Quicksort if the largest or the smallest element is chosen as the pivot element of the array (When we arrive at worst case when pivot is placed at first position or last position of list) , for an array of n elements, after positioning the element after the first iteration we will get the unsorted sub-list of n-1 element and again in the next iteration a sub-list of n-2 element and so on. So, in the worst case, it is not equally participated in two sublists.
In that case, it is not an equal partition.
T(n) = T(n – 1) + O(n) = T(n – 1) + cn [c = constant time]
T(n – 1) = T(n – 2) + O(n) = T(n – 2) + c(n – 1)
T(n – 2) = T(n – 3) + c(n – 2)
T(n – 3) = T(n – 4) + c(n – 3)
T(n) = T(n – 1) + cn
= (T(n – 2) + c(n – 1)) + cn
= (T(n – 3) + c(n – 2)) + c(n – 1) + cn
= T(n – 3) + c(n – 2) + c(n – 1) + cn
= c + c.2 + c.3 + …… + c.n
= O(n2) Worst case
The Situation when Worst-Case can possible:
The space complexity of the in-place quick sort is O(1) as it does not require any extra space for sorting. But for each recursive call, the algorithm needs to use or maintain the stack to store some amount of data.
Now, what is space complexity behind it and it depends on what is the depth of stack use. Now the depth of the stack is height of the tree.
So, if the tree is a balanced tree then we know level of the tree is log n.
So, space complexity O(log n) is the best case.
But worst case tree can look like that
In that case level n. So, space complexity is O(n) is the worst case.
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