Myhill-Nerode Theorem




The Myhill-Nerode theorem is used to prove that a certain language is regular or not


It can be also used to find the minimal number of states in a Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA).




Let L be any language over Σ*. Consider strings x, y ∊ Σ* are indistinguishable by L if and only if for every string z ∊ Σ* either both xz and yz are in L or both xz and yz are not in L.


We can write x L y in this case.  (Here L is an equivalence relation).




It is not a regular language. 




Consider the sequence of strings x1, x2 .......where xi = 0i for i ≥ 1. We now see that no two of these are equivalent to each other with respect to A.


Consider xi = 0i and xi = 0j for i ≠ j


Let z = 1i and notice that xi z = 0i 1j A but  xi z = 0j 1i A.


Therefore no two of these strings are equivalent to each other and thus given language L cannot be regular.




A certain language L1 is regular if and only if it has a finite number of equivalences classes. Moreover, there is a DFA M with L(M) = L1 having precisely one state for each equivalence classof A.



Q. Consider a language


By which theorem we can prove given language is regular or not.


(a) Ogdem’s Theorem 

(b)  Pumping Lemma 

(c) Myhill-Nerode theorem 

(d) Rice Theorem


Answer: Option (c)




Myhill-Nerode theorem is used to prove a certain language is regular or not.


Note:  Pumping Lemma is only used to prove a certain language is not regular.