Some more DFA machine design example




Construct a DFA to accept a string containing a 0 followed by a 1.

RE1 = (0 + 1)*01(0 + 1)* 



Regular expression from DFA machine RE2 = 1*00*1(0 + 1)* and RE1 ≈ RE2.


Example 2: 


Construct a DFA accept a string containing two consecutive zero’s followed by two consecutive one’s.



Regular Expression RE = (0 + 1)*0011(0 + 1)* 


Example 3: 


Construct a DFA accept a string containing even number of zero’s and any number of one’s.



Regular expression RE1 = (1*01*01*)* + 1* 

Another Regular expression we write RE2 = (1 + 01*0)* and RE1 ≈ RE2.


Example 4: 


Construct a DFA to accept all string which do not contain three consecutive zero’s.

So, first we begin a DFA with three consecutive zero and then complement it to get the above answer.



Example 5: 


Construct a DFA to accept all string containing even number of zero’s and even number of one’s.



Example 6: 


Construct a DFA to accept all string which satisfy (X) mod 5 = 2.




Construct a DFA to accept all strings (0 + 1)* with an equal number of zero’s and one’s such that each prefix has at most one more zero than one’s and at most one more one than zero’s.