IEEE – 754 Single-Precision


IEEE – 754:

IEEE 754 uses implicit normalization. Where radix point is put after the first non-zero digit. It is composed of an implicit (hidden) 1 leading the mantissa bits. This representation tends to maximize the quantity of the representable numbers.



IEEE 754 Standards:

1. Single-Precision (32-bits)



2. Double-Precision (64-bits)



1. Single-Precision (32-bits)




Normal Case


Special Case


Same thing different form


In IEEE floating-point representation, certain mantissa exponent combinations do not represent any number. (In single Precision format)



IEEE-754 standard was a bias of +127, instead of +128:

If excess -128 formats are used, 

and the range of numbers with 8 bits in 2’S complement form is -128 to +127.


If largest exponent 127 is taken, then biased exponent becomes (127+128) = 255, i.e. E = 255. But, in IEEE notation, if E = 255 then it represent an invalid representation, since,


(a) E = 255, M = 0 represents ±∞ (infinity) and

(b) E = 255, M ≠ 0 represents NAN.


So, IEEE was +127 and +1023 as a bias for single precision and double precision respectively.


Range of Exponent of Single Precision

Maximum mantissa


Second maximum mantissa

We will get the maximum number by maximum mantissa and maximum exponent


Second maximum number (second highest mantissa and highest exponent)


Maximum Difference


Minimum Number


Second minimum positive number



.0101 represents the number in IEEE 754 single precision.

