Order and Ranking


Concept of Order and Ranking

Note: Order and Ranking chapter is an important chapter for any banking, insurance, and SSC exams. You can expect 2 – 3 questions on this topic. These marks can be helpful for qualifying for any exam. Different types of questions can be formed based on rank or position of operations.


From the Order and Ranking chapter, few types of questions are asked in the examination. We will discuss them now. 


Types of Rank:


(i) Base Rank: When the rank of an object is given from any end.





 (ii) Reference Rank: When the rank of one object is given with reference to another object.





Now we will discuss the types of Order and Ranking questions:


A) Finding the rank of a person from one side

To find the rank of a person from one side we need this value


(i) Total number of the person

(ii) Rank of that person from another side


Formula for this is,

Rank of A from left = (Total number of persons – Rank of A from Right) + 1


Example – 1:  In a row of 35 students Arun is 22nd from the right end the find the rank of Arun from the left end?

a) 14th                                                   

b) 15th                                                   

c) 23rd

d) 12th                                                   

e) None of these



Rank of Arun from left end 

= (Total number of students – Rank of Arun from Right) + 1

= (35 – 22) + 1 = 13 + 1 = 14


So, option (a) is correct.


Example – 2: In an examination Bony ranks 4th from the top. The total number of students in this class is 29. Then find the rank of Bony from the bottom?

a) 24th                                                   

b) 25th                                                   

c) 26th

d) 27th                                                   

e) None of these



Rank of Bony from bottom = (Total students – Rank of Bony from top) + 1

= (29 - 4) + 1

= 26th


So, option (c) is correct.


Example – 3: In a row of 35 boys Karan is 5th to the right of Arjun, who is 15th from the right end. Then find the rank of Karan from the left end?

a) 25th                                                   

b) 24th                                                   

c) 26th

d) 23rd                                                   

e) None of these



Karan is 5th to the right of Arjun

Arjun is 15th from the right end.


So, Karan’s position is (15 - 5)th = 10th from the right end.

Total number of student in the row is 35


∴The rank of Karan from the left end

= (35  - 10)  +1

= 25 + 1 = 26th


So, option (c) is correct.


Example – 4: In a row of 25 girls, when Riya was shifted by four places towards the right. She becomes 14th from the left end. What was his earlier position from the right end of the row?

a) 14th                                                   

b) 16th                                                   

c) 18th

d) 17th                                                   

e) None of these



According to the questions, Shreya was shifted by four-place towards the right.

Therefore the earlier position was,

(14 – 4)th from left = 10th from the left.

Total girls is 25


So, Shreya’s position from the right end = (25 - 10) + 1

= 16th from the right end.


 So option (b) is correct.


Type  - 2

Finding the total number in a sequence

To find the total number in a sequence we need,


(i) Rank of a person from one side

(ii) Rank of that same person from other side.


Formula is 

Total number of person in a sequence

= (Rank of a person from left + Rank of that person from right) – 1


Example – 1

In a row, Shyamal is 22nd from the left end and 12th from the right end. Then find the total number in the given row.

a) 34                                                     

b) 33                                                     

c) 35

d) 32                                                     

e) None of these



The rank of Shyamal is 22nd from the left end and 12th from the right end.


So, Total number of Person = (22 + 12) – 1

= 34 – 1

= 33


So, option (b) is correct.


Example – 2

In an examination, Rahul got 86 marks in mathematics. He ranks 4th from the top and 25th from the bottom. Then find how many students are there in class?

a) 30                                                     

b) 29                                                     

c) 28

d) 31                                                     

e) None of these



Rahul ranks 4th from the top and 25th from the bottom.


So, total students in class = (25 + 4) – 1 = 29 – 1 = 28


So, option (c) is correct.


Example – 3 

In a row, Raju is 5th to the left of Koushik, who is 23rd from the right end. And Raju is 14th from the left end. Find the total number of persons in that row.

a) 42                                                     

b) 41                                                     

c) 38

d) 45                                                     

e) None of these



Raju is 5th to the left of Koushik, who is 23rd from the right end.

So, Raju is (23 + 5)th = 28th from the right end.

Raju is 14th from the left end


So, total number = (28 + 4) – 1 = 42 – 1 = 41

So, option (b) is correct.