Related GATE question on MRU


GATE 2014: Q33 

A computer has twenty physical page frames which contain pages numbered 101 through 120. Now a program accesses the pages numbered 1, 2, ..., 100 in that order, and repeats the access sequence thrice. Which one of the following page replacement policies experiences the same number of page faults as the optimal page replacement policy for this program?

  1. Least-recently-used
  2. First-in-first-out
  3. Last-in-first-out
  4. Most-recently-used


Before seeing the solution please follow the previous chapter:  Special feature of MRU



Optimal page replacement algorithm always gives the best result that’s why we use this algorithm for optimality benchmark test for other page replacement algorithms. 


As we know a special case where page references are repeated in the same order, the Most Recently Used (MRU) page replacement algorithm gives the best optimal solution (lesser page fault) compare to other page replacement algorithms.


For example and in more details please follow: Special feature of MRU.


So, option (D) is correct.