GATE Question: FIFO page replacement algorithm


Q: GATE 2010-Q24 

A system uses FIFO policy for page replacement. It has 4 page frames with no pages loaded to begin with. The system first accesses 100 distinct pages in some order and then access the same 100 pages but now in the reverse order. How many page faults will occur?


(A) 196       (B) 192         (C) 197       (D) 195


You should know:

FIFO page replacement algorithm, GATE on FIFO page replacement algorithm



Given the number of page references is 100 and the number of frames is 4. Initially, the frame is empty.


Now, firstly we request 1 to 100 pages with 4 frames using the FIFO policy.



Now, after insert all pages from 1 to 100, right now frame contains 97, 98, 99, and 100.


So, number of page fault= 100


Then we request 100 pages again but in the reverse way like pages 100 to 1. 


First request page 100, but already in the frame, no page fault.

Next request page 99, already loaded in the frame, so, no page fault.

Next request page 98, it is also in the frame, so, no page fault.

Next request page 97, it is already in the frame, so, no page fault.


Next requirement page 96, the new page not in the frame, so page fault.

Even all requirements from 96 to 1 is not in the frame, so page fault will occur.


So, second except first 4 pages (100, 99, 98, 97), for all other pages (96 to 1) page faults occur.


So, number of page fault = 96


Number of total page faults when page request 1 to 100 = 10

Number of total page faults when page request in reverse 100 to 1 = 96


Then total page faults = 196 and option (A) is correct.