

Exokernel is an operating system developed at MIT which allocates physical hardware resources to other programs. It is different from the other types of kernels in that an exokernel eliminates the concept of abstractions on which applications are built. 


Exokernel functionality is limited in the case of protection and multiplexing of the raw hardware, providing no hardware abstractions on top of which to develop applications. This separation of hardware protection from hardware management enables application developers to determine how to make the most efficient use of the available hardware for each specific program. They differ from the other types of kernels in that their functionality is limited to the protection and multiplexing of the raw hardware, providing no hardware abstractions on top of which to develop applications. 


An exokernel eliminates the notion that an operating system should provide abstractions on which applications are built. Instead, it concentrates solely on securely multiplexing the raw hardware: from basic hardware primitives, application-level libraries and servers can directly implement traditional operating system abstractions, specialized for appropriateness and speed.



XOK is a new exokernel, which runs on hardware, and ExOS. The ExOS library delivers a user-level and extensible implementation of an UNIX operating system.




POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface): 

Represents a set of standards implemented primarily for UNIX-base operating systems. Although Windows XP and Windows 2000 systems can also run certain POSIX.